".$tags ." members
"; ?> Finding can be a personal choice for someone looking for this in life. We offer interested people from all over the world on duno.com

prepare("SELECT mainpic,username,nostrnpub,tags,city,country FROM girls WHERE city=:city AND tags LIKE CONCAT('%',:cleaned,'%') ORDER BY lastactionint desc LIMIT 8"); $stmt->bindParam(':cleaned',$superclean ); $stmt->bindParam(':city',$city ); $stmt->execute(); while($i3=$stmt->fetch()) { $g++; echo '
'; if($i3["mainpic"] <> ""){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } echo '
'.$i3["tags"].''; $atags = explode(",",$i3["tags"]); if($i3["city"] <> ""){ echo '
by city
'; foreach($atags as $tag){ $tag = trim($tag); echo ''.$tag.' '.$i3["city"].'
'; } } if($i3["country"] <> ""){ echo '
by country
'; foreach($atags as $tag){ $tag = trim($tag); echo ''.$tag.' '.$c_codes[$i3["country"]].'
'; } } echo '
'; } ?>